Full Time
A full time contract involves weekly hours that are 35 hours and up. An advantage is that you know how much you'll get each month nad you're covered for sick days. A disadvantage is that it ties you on to one employer. A good example of this is an advertiser.
Part Time
A part time contract involves less hours than a full time contract, so basically 34 hours or below. An advantage is that you can have more than one job and you get the same benefits as a full time job. A disadvantage is that you get less money than a full time contract. A good example of a part time job is a content creator.
Permanent contracts are types of paid contracts that can last indefinitely. An advantage is that you have a permanently secure income. A disadvantage is that you have to come in no matter what (well, except if you're ill or something like that.) An example of a permanent job is a Personal Assistant (PA) or a TV presenter.
Fixed Term
A fixed term contract is one that lasts a tixed period of time, say 1, 2 years, something like that. An advantage is that once the contract is finished, you can choose to renew your contract and work for another 1-2 years, or you can stop there. A disadvantage is that when the contract is in effect, it is very hard to get out of it. In fact I think the only way you can get out of it is if you're fired. An example is a person covering for maternity leave.
A freelancer is someone who works for him/herself and can have any number of employees. An advantage is you can be employed in more than one company at any one time. A disadvantage is that if you don't have a credible reputation, you're screwed. An example is a freelance reporter.