Thursday, 23 January 2014

Getting a job in the creative sector

There are many ways that you can find a job in the creative media these days, mostly online because it is accessible in pretty much anywhere in the world, and there's a variety of websites that you can choose to find one. But for those who are either technophobes or don't trust the internet (forgive me for sounding biased), they can get jobs in newspapers, magazines, pretty much anywhere, including asking one of your friends.

But again, the most preferred way of finding a job in the 21st century is either online or at the job centre. Sending a portfolio of your film to someone who could make your film for you could be a good idea, because they might have resources that you don't and it could get you a quick job in the film. Social networking in person or online could also land you a job in the film industry because one of your friends might know someone who would gladly take you in for a job.

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